About Me


Welcome! I’m Amanda, the one behind DrivenTowardDreams. I began this blog in March 2013 with the simple goal of creating healthy recipes to share with anyone who was interested. But recently this blog has become much more than that. Since then I have transitioned into a gluten free and plant-based lifestyle and now not only will you find recipes here, you’ll find crafts, reviews, and stories about my life adventures as well.

All recipes that I post are gluten free and vegan, unless otherwise stated. I believe in a whole food, plant based diet. I eat a very minimal amount of processed foods and love fruits and veggies.

I transitioned to a gluten free lifestyle in July 2013 after many years of doctors appointments, medicines, and struggles with stomach issues. It was one of the best decisions of my life, leading me to feel better and become more creative in the kitchen due to the new restrictions. It wasn’t easy, but totally life changing and worth it!

I have also always had a strong love for animals and was a vegetarian at one point in 2010. But I fell back into the habit of eating meats and other animal products not long after making that decision. At the beginning of 2013 I began to become more interested in trying again, only this time going all in; yes, a vegan lifestyle.
Knowing what happened last time, I went into it very slowly. I’d eat that way when I could, but if I couldn’t, no biggie. Experimentation. Then in June 2013 I began educating myself more on the topic. I watched documentaries, read articles and books, found other vegan blogs, etc. and decided that I was going to make the change. So I set a date and I stuck with it. August 9, 2013. Still going strong.
Now as I type this, I can’t imagine my life any other way.

Enough about food though, for now at least! Now on to something as equally important to me; yoga. I began practicing yoga about two years ago; getting into it more seriously within the past year or so. I completed a training program from Tara Stiles and Michael Taylor at Strala Yoga and it was one of the best experiences of my life. I’m not currently leading any yoga classes, but I plan to in the future. I’m excited to see where this journey will take me.

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Thanks for stopping by! Sending you happy vibes and big hugs!

Questions? Comments? I’d love to hear from you!
Email me at: whoaaitsamanda@gmail.com

5 thoughts on “About Me

  1. celestedimilla

    Hey Amanda! I love that you’ve gone vegan chica! I’ve been vegan for two years and I love it. I’m not gluten free like you are, but I don’t think I have issues with gluten. I just stumbled upon your blog and love it! It’s a pleasure to e-meet you and I look forward to getting to know you better! Celeste 🙂

    1. orchidsandoranges Post author

      Hey there! I’m loving the vegan life so far, I don’t plan on ever going back! Thank you for taking the time to comment and check out my blog. It’s great to e-meet you as well! Talk to you soon. Until then, take care! xoxo

  2. naturalfuel

    “girl with a passion for yoga, gluten free vegan goodies, crafting, traveling, and inspiring others”
    Are you me?!! 😉
    Great blog, keep up the good work!


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