Gluten Free Vegan Banana Pan-Crepes


I’ve been having a hard time concentrating on things today for some reason. Maybe it’s the weather, maybe it’s just the fact that it’s Sunday. Sunday’s are usually lazy days. So we’ll just blame that. Anyways, I’ve been setting up a little clothing store to try to make some extra money and get rid of some things I never wore/no longer want. It took me hours to photograph everything and I only uploaded some of it so far. (Where are you concentration?!) But after doing that I figured I deserved something special.

And here it is.


A while back I promised you guys a pancake recipe. I know it’s been a while, but I’ve stuck to that promise! I’ve only been into pancakes for the past year or so. I never really cared for them while I was growing up. I was more of a french toast fan. But I’ve completely ditched it and jumped over to the pancake side of things.

I don’t think there’s any going back now.

And if you’re not a pancake fan like my past self, then get yourself into the kitchen and get to work on a batch of these little guys.


I debated on the name of these. Should I just go with the typical name, banana pancakes, or should I go with banana pan-crepes. I thought about it for a little bit while watching some football and browsing the World Wide Web. I even ran to the kitchen to make a smoothie. After all of that I finally decided. Pan-crepes obviously won for the sole fact that you can use these as crepes or pancakes.  Versatility. Two in one, a win-win!


These pan-crepes are moist and airy with a hint of vanilla/banana flavoring. Which is perfect because they won’t leave you feeling overstuffed and unable to move for the next 3 hours like a typical “fluffy” pancake would. Pancake satisfaction and body satisfaction all on one plate.

The excitement is real today guys, so so real! And it’s about to get 10 times more exciting around here. I have an awesome surprise to share with you guys this upcoming week!

But until then, let’s pan-crepe!


Banana Pan-Crepes

makes 10 pan-crepes

1 banana
1 cup gluten free all purpose flour (I use Bob’s)
1 cup coconut milk
1 flax egg (1 tablespoons flaxseed + 3 tablespoons water)
1 tablespoon coconut oil, melted
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup fruit of choice (I used frozen blueberries)

Combine all ingredient and mix together. Preheat a greased pan on your stovetop at low-medium heat. Pour batter onto center of pan (about 1/4 cup) and cook until bubbles begin to form in the center of your pan-crepe. Flip over and cook until golden brown. Repeat that until all of your batter is used. Stack ’em up!
Heat fruit in your microwave for approximately 30 seconds or until warm. Time will depend on if you’re using fresh or frozen fruit, size of fruit, etc. Pour fruit over pan-crepe stack. Top with maple syrup or your favorite toppings. Serve, enjoy!


5 thoughts on “Gluten Free Vegan Banana Pan-Crepes

    1. orchidsandoranges Post author

      Thank you!
      I am not positive if this would work because I haven’t tried it, but you could probably omit the coconut oil. It is used to give the pan-crepes a richer flavor; similar to using butter.
      Good luck! I hope they turn out well for you 🙂


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